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Green Walls

-- Quote of the Day -- 
And then the day came 
when the risk to remain tight in a bud 
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”   

~ Anais Nin

-- Green Walls --

*from Japan for Sustainability News

Yet another example of green curtains making a difference on the environment.  Green curtains are usually a vertical or angled garden of climbing plants – Chiba City in Japan – built a large 50 meter long 4 meter high wall outside the first floor windows on their government building using 5 different plants… reducing the interior temperature by 7˚ C.  

These green walls not only provide a natural ambiance, and offer the potential for growing food for the needy and flowers or habitat for wildlife, they also help mitigate heat island phenomenon, while saving energy used for cooling buildings in the summer.

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