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Creating Internet-based Platforms

-- Quote of the Day -- 

“Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them” 

 ~ Hugh Miller

-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio -- 

* Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day.

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Author Joanne Quinn-Smith hosts several talk genre podcasts and is the Creative Energy Officer of Dreamweaver Marketing Associates - a marketing company specializing in Web 2.0 Gorilla Branding. Known as the Techno Granny she offers her clients unique, creative and energetic marketing and management plans. Her niche is creating Internet based platforms using good relevant information to create expert status and organic search dominance.

Access the live (10-11 AM Pacific) or archived episode:



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