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Bored? Looking for Something to Do?


Bored? Looking for Something Positive to Do?

You may have seen the April 16th or April 26th blog posts re: using our time more proactively and positively during this crisis, or any life crisis really.

Today I'd like to inspire our readers with a few other suggestions that might peak your interest:

- Baking and soup making is a frugal way to feed the family. Each of these are easily portioned and frozen for future meals. The warmth and scent that fills the home will be enchanting, calming and nurturing. Clean out the freezer, save those leftovers and make some amazing soups or stews. Consider making large batches of chili too, which can also be portioned and frozen. You'll appreciate these meals in the summer when it is too hot to cook, for those days when you are just too exhausted to face the kitchen, and for those cool weather days to warm up and feel cozy. Biscuits, breads, muffins and cookies are very easy to make and can also be portioned and frozen. 

- Start a garden. Even the front step of your home, the side entrance area, the balcony can be used to grow a little food. Growing containers can be attached to fences, or grow vertically up your fence. If you have sunny window that heats up the home in the summer or an area you like to sit where the sun can get intense, design a living shade garden by stringing up some support and growing vining plants like squash or runner beans in 14-18" deep containers. 

- Do you have houseplants? It might be fun to take some cuttings of your houseplants, dip in rooting hormone and once rooted you can either pot them up for sale, spread around your house or office or church, or give away as gifts.

- Go through your storage areas, closets, garage, junk drawers and cupboards... clean and sort the items, organize the things you want to keep and put the rest in a box or bag for donating. While most places that formally accepted donations are now closed, they will reopen at some point and they'll be glad that you have some items to donate. Alternatively, offer them for sale via your local FaceBook buy/sell groups, ebay, etc. 

- Make a goal to watch as many etc videos - there are thousands of lectures, presentations and infographic videos offering entertaining education for free. 

- Bring back game night. Once or twice a week, turn off the devices, put on some pleasant music or a fireplace video, and randomly choose games to play. Go online and look up new card games that you've never played before to try something new.

- Pick up a copy of our books at your favourite Amazon outlet - Trash Talk series will show you how to save money - often hundreds a month - and create a more sustainable lifestyle, grow food and help the community with your "waste"... or delve into poetry; we have 2 books in that genre ... or learn about business management via our Purple Snowflake Marketing book. 


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