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Showing posts from July, 2024

Oh, The Stress Of It All

Oh, The Stress Of It All Well - we found a buyer for our home and had less than 5 weeks to both find a suitable home and move into it. Once we signed that contract it was weeks of sleepless nights, restless tummy, fretful mind, sweaty palms and frazzled hair. Was I stressed? ...You bet I was !!!  Many of you already know that I suffer from an anxiety disorder; stress affects me physically causing rashes and vomiting, and I easily fall into depression. With moving being one of the most stressful things a person can go through, I knew I would have to use more than a few tranquilizers to get through the storm to come.  By using calming, meditative music and occasionally some blues or 70's music during the day I was able to greatly reduce the stress I was feeling, and the dogs love to nap to music. To quiet the mind at night I've begun listening to short audio books via YouTube - these are especially helpful on those sleepless nights.  Long showers helped ease the physical ache, wh

Pivot - About Face

Regular readers have asked me to share about the experience of relocating a home and office, and music studio... and honestly... I'm actually pleased anyone is even interested in hearing about it.   How it began... Back in late March 2023, Dave and I began discussions about downsizing our life, home and belongings in preparation for a less stressful lifestyle, and to set up for the upcoming stage of semi-retirement.  When you are an entrepreneur, run the business through your home, grow and process most of the fresh produce the family needs, work in a band at night, teach students and hold a day job... the day-to-day grind can become stressful. While we love every minute of the hard work, we noticed that we are gradually slowing down - able to do less in the same amount of time, and feel physical work much more these days.  It was time to re-evaluate our lifestyle.  This would not mean quitting, or giving up on anything - it simply meant creating a more comfortable environment that