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Understanding Networking, part 1

Understanding Networking, (part 1)

Understanding what networking involves is vital, you need to know about and be prepared for the hidden behind-the-scenes activities that make it all happen. 

There is a lot to consider before rushing out and sending out something that could be considered spam, instead of a valuable networking opportunity.

You don't want people to work hard, or get confused and give up - jeopardizing your relationship or current campaign. want networking to be as effective and efficient as possible. 

Your mind set should be focused on developing long-term relationships.

  • Do you have time in your schedule or can you utilize staff (or family members) to handle it for you? 

  • Can you create a new page offering a list of networking ideas, and a list of potential reciprocation activities that they may want to choose from?

  • What are your intentions, procedures and current campaigns? 

Before starting out on a campaign, reflect on how your communications reflect your brand. 

This can include:
  • colour scheme

  • design

  • texture

  • logo 

  • hyperlinks

  • QR codes

Consider also the visual effect of your communications - whether it appears:

  • clean

  • concise

  • appealing

  • uncluttered

* Join us for Part 2 on FEB 12th when we discuss:

Networking means you need to have something to offer.


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