-- Quote of the Day --
"Blessed us the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving verbal evidence of the fact."
~ Unknown
-- Did You Know ? --
"Blessed us the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving verbal evidence of the fact."
~ Unknown
-- Did You Know ? --
Since WWII 70, 000 new chemicals have been produced with no toxic effects information listed by the US EPA for 79% of them.
The EPA states that chemicals found in the home are 3 times more likely to cause cancer than airbourne pollutants outside the home.
Women who work in the home suffer a 55% increased risk of cancer - the pollution inside our homes is 2-5 times higher than in outdoor air - the Primary Suspect? - household chemicals.
Formaldehyde, a known cancer causing agent is commonly used in deodorants, shapmpoos, mouthwashes, toothpaist...
Air fresheners interfere with your ability to smell via a nerve deadening agent, or by coating the nasal with a film of oil.
* Read those labels and make sure you know what you are buying!
-- Prize Draw Reminder --
Email me at: ldbrummet@yahoo.com with the word "prize" in the subject line for a chance to win one (or more) of these prizes:
This next prize draw (Aug 24 - Oct 6):
- signed copy of Behind the Shadows, by Susan Finelli (www.behindtheshadows.com)
- a copy of Lily Stephen's autographed myth-fiction book, Vol 2 of a trilogy: The El-eventh Hour (www.bloomingrosepress.com)
- & a copy of Grooveyard's CD, Place in Time
Deadline: Oct 6 noon (pacific)
Enter by: Email me at: ldbrummet @ yahoo . com (remove spaces before sending) with the word "prize" in the subject line.
-- Costs of Recycling --
Check out this excellent article by Ashley Strickland on the Social Yell Network titled The Cost of Recycling. In this article Ashley conversed with many people involved in the waste management industry, including Lillian Brummet (your blog host!) - Check it out by following the hyperlink above or use the URL below. Be sure to visit their main site, SocialYell.com, to rate businesses on
sustainability, join a discussion in our forum or just yell about your opinions!
Blog link:
-- Stimulating Conversation --
Renee Giroux of the Stimulating Conversation Blog put out a call to people interested in offering helpful information to other authors regarding marketing challanges via the Haro List. The article series of 10 articles has begun - The list of author contributors is at the bottom, and should be in alphabetical order by last name, including Lillian Brummet who offered numerous tips on how to avoid common problems in marketing endeavors.
Find Dave & Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows & free resources & articles at www.brummet.ca
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