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Helfpul Resources

-- Referral Corner --

Its time for another bout of recommended resources for you to check out when you have time:

Material Resource Center (
This site offers links, info on resources for craft workshops, school art projects… involving reuse and repurpose of "waste" prior to sending to the recycling system. Learn how to save money and get creative in your life.

Community Action Network (
This organization supports social enterprises and charities to scale up their businesses and maximize their social impact. Social enterprises reinvest profits back into the communities that they serve, creating a business solution to the problems they see.

British Trust of Conservation Volunteers (
Operating now for 5 decades, offering a hands-on approach to conservation activities. Their aim is to create a more sustainable future by inspiring people and improving communities around the world by offering volunteers training, employment, and work-out opportunities.

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blog, and more at: * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, or visiting the Brummet's Store - every sale raises funds for charity as well!
