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World of Writing Interview

 -- World of Writing Interview --

We love hosting interviews with people in the world of writing here on our Brummet's Conscious Blog... Today we have James V. O’Connor joining us - author and founder of O’Connor Communications, Inc. ( a public relations firm that has specialized in book publicity).  Jim and his wife Lynda won three national awards for the successful promotion of his first book,  Cuss Control: The Complete Book on How to Curb Your Cursing.  He is also the author of Another Man’s Treasure, a mystery/romance novel published last September. Jim’s first-hand experience includes appearances on more than 100 TV programs (including Oprah), interviews on more than 600 radio stations, and features in over 400 newspapers and magazines.  For more information, visit and   

Q: So Jim - you have a lot of experience in the realm of marketing and have published 2 books so far... Did you take any writing classes?

A: No, but since I was including a romance in my novel, Another Man’s Treasure, I attended a few short seminars at a Romance Writer’s of America convention. They were helpful, and I learned from the perspectives of the women I met.  I also read a few books on how to write a novel, which helped immensely.

Q: What are some of the tools you use for marketing?

A: For my first book, Cuss Control, I created a website called the Cuss Control Academy and a press release. Lucky for me, that’s all I needed.  My topic was unique and the media loved it. Reporters doing stories on profanity found me through my website, and still do.  

For my novel, I created a website with a video trailer, a business card with the book cover on one side and details on the back, an over sized postcard that I mailed to about 3,000 people, and a press release that was distributed nationwide.

Q: What is your proudest writer moment?

A: Initially it was three publishers bidding for the rights to publish my first book and having Random House win. That was topped by being a guest on Oprah. Getting lots of laughs on The View was the most fun. I’ve had many proud moments. I’ve enjoyed a wonderful life, but all the events surrounding my two books have been the highlights.

Q: How much time do you devote to marketing your book? And what kind of marketing do you recommend?

A: My first book was published in 2000, and I’ve never stopped marketing it. I recommend that authors devote as much time as they can to marketing and try every tactic that makes sense to them. I strongly prefer using the traditional media—magazines, newspapers, radio and TV—over Internet marketing, but use both.  I think traditional media is more effective, and it’s enormously gratifying and ego-boosting to have people tell you they read about you and your book or saw you on TV.  Enjoying a small taste of fame can compensate for book sales that don’t meet your expectations.

Q: Where do you hope to take your writing in the future?

A: I have a number of ideas for a next book, but nothing yet that I’m passionate about. You can’t succeed without passion for your topic.

Q: What dreams have you realized from your writing? Any special memories?

A: I grew up and continue to live in an environment that is very competitive, intellectually and athletically.  Writing was my strongest skill, and getting published and in the media made me stand out. 

Every article and every TV appearance was special, but one radio show in New York is particular memorable. The show started at midnight, and the host kept begging me and other guests to stick around. The show ended at 4:00 a.m.! My wife was back in our hotel, wondering if I had been mugged or killed.

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  1. I know Jim personally. I have had the privilege of producing book trailers for both of his books. I have also seen the results of his PR efforts for "Cuss Control" which is very impressive. He and Lynda do a great job of public relations for Jim and their other clients.

    As the author of "Turn Your Business Card Into Business" I am particularly pleased to see Jim mention his use of business cards to promote his book. It seems like a small thing until one finds it's way into the hands of the right person.


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