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Showing posts from June, 2013

Gardening topics today!

-- Quote of the Day --  "Perfection is achieved,  not when there is nothing more to add,  but when there is nothing left to take away.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry -- Sunday Gardening, Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --    Sunday Gardening episodes air every 2-3 weeks from March - October annually featuring topics like bio-dynamic, sustainable, organic gardening and landscaping using square foot, inter-planting and succession crop methods, permaculture and layering in landscaping practices. Today's topic: June Garden activities We always welcome questions from gardeners around the world – if you are having problems or questions pertaining to the topic of the day simply call in or drop in the live chat room. If your question is outside of the topic of the day, just send your question our way via   and we will make sure to cover it in an upcoming segment.   ...

Gmail Productivity Tips

Improve Your Productivity with Gmail * Today's article was written by: Anthony Codispoti is the founder of GetMyTime, a web-based time and expense tracking solution for small & medium-sized businesses. Founded in 2001, GetMyTime is the first web-based time tracking system to integrate with QuickBooks accounting software. A serial entrepreneur since he graduated from The Ohio State University in 1997, Anthony enjoys brainstorms, masterminds, and Chipotle. Please link back to our site:   Gmail, how do thou increase my productivity? Let me count the ways: 1. Gmail shortcuts If you think shortcuts are only for desktop-based applications, think again. Gmail shortcuts are available and can be enabled in Labs. Here are a list of Gmail shortcuts that may come in handy: C - compose a new message R - reply to a message A - reply all messages F - forward message E - send message to Archive...

Referral Corner

-- Quote of the Day --  “I had one of my students draw me some dolls and I gave each of them a name and started assigning them with affirmations – and that was 10 years ago. And I had another friend who makes dolls and she started to make them into dolls, my goal now is to get each girl to design her own doll and give it a name that reflects her own thoughts or personality. …So girls who leave the program they will be given self esteem kits and a declaration that says: ‘Because I am free I have power, I know who I am, I can dream big, I can open up and let the sunshine in, I can relieve stress, I can be charitable, I can save a penny, I can have hope, I can have a new beginning.’ …I wanted to take this pain and give them a reason to smile and a reason to go on – and that is what life is all about, to encourage someone else. …If you don’t have anybody to encourage you then you do things to feed into whatever the ‘in’ crowd is doing. …Because they don’t love themselves.” ...

Unlocking Our Full Potential

    -- Quote of the Day --    “As is one’s thought, so one becomes.” ~ Maitri Upanishad     -- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --  * Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day.   Sign up via itunes for the Conscious Discussions Radio show:     Author, motivational speaker, and movie producer Raven Magwood had already graduated from college, published three books, won a national gymnastics championship, and spoken to tens of thousands of individuals all over the country by the time she was 20-years-old. Her latest book The 7 Practices of Exceptional Student Athletes is not ...

Celebrating Cities with Organic Waste Systems

-- Quote of the Day --   “I really wanted to travel, I was a good writer but I hadn’t really developed my travel writing voice – and that is where my blog came in. I blog on it regularly – the first few posts are a little embarrassing …but you develop your voice over time, it was only through practice really… you know that 10,000 hours at something to really become good at it. …The blog allowed me the opportunity to be able to see what really resonated with people, to digest their feedback. Before I wrote my first book I had already had years of writing experience and communicating with others interested in this topic.” ~ Shannon o’Donnell Today’s quote originates from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on … titled: Volunteer Travel  (*Click on the title to access the full discussion) -- Positive News --  New York city plans on doing a citywide com...

elder care

-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio --  * Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day.   Sign up via itunes for the Conscious Discussions Radio show:     Today we are featuring David Willis the CEO of The 60-Plus Club - a US-based association whose primary aim is to help members grow older in the same homes and neighborhoods that they have grown to love, rather than in an assisted living facility or a nursing home. This means that there will be services required to help those facing age related issues, enabling them to live independently, while maintaining their pride. We will learn about the organization’s growth, the people involved, what the organization offers...

Networking Advice

Networking Is About More Than Just Numbers Article written by Jan Hill - a freelance Journalist who writes for, offering official Vistaprint coupons on networking materials to help freelancers and other professionals make a strong impression. Jan’s work has been featured in many newspapers, magazines, and business trade publications. Image Credit: When it comes to business networking, having a diverse network is just as important as having a large network, according to Business Insider . While it is human nature to want to hang around (and network) with people who are like us, the problem is that they often have similar contacts to the ones we have, making it difficult to grow our network by connecting with new people or companies with which we want to do business. Why a Diverse Network Is Important Just as a diverse network can help someone get a good job because...