-- Quote of the Day --
“I had one of my students
draw me some dolls and I gave each of them a name and started assigning them
with affirmations – and that was 10 years ago. And I had another friend who
makes dolls and she started to make them into dolls, my goal now is to get each
girl to design her own doll and give it a name that reflects her own thoughts
or personality. …So girls who leave the program they will be given self esteem
kits and a declaration that says: ‘Because I am free I have power, I know who I
am, I can dream big, I can open up and let the sunshine in, I can relieve
stress, I can be charitable, I can save a penny, I can have hope, I can have a
new beginning.’ …I wanted to take this pain and give them a reason to smile and
a reason to go on – and that is what life is all about, to encourage someone
else. …If you don’t have anybody to encourage you then you do things to feed
into whatever the ‘in’ crowd is doing. …Because they don’t love themselves.”
~ Carrie Robinson
Today’s quote originates
from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on … titled: Carrie’s Sunshine AtticOrg.
(*Click on the title to access the full
-- Referral Corner --
Doctors Without Borders - an international medical humanitarian organization that won the Nobel prize for their passion to offer impartial assistance in more than 60 countries aiding those afflicted by violence, neglect, and a variety of catastrophes.
an international medical humanitarian organization
an international medical humanitarian organization
an international medical humanitarian organization
an international medical humanitarian organization
Info: http://DoctorsWithoutBorders.orgScrap Action is a nonprofit organization that inspires creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing educational programs and affordable materials to the community.
Giraffe Project - a non-profit organization that celebrates, highlights, and supports individual heroes around the planet.
Info: http://Giraffe.org
Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, their radio program, blog, and more at: http://brummet.ca * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, clicking those social networking buttons, or visiting the Brummet's Store - and help raise funds for charity as well!
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