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Get Out Of The Rut #5

Today I'm continuing the discussion we've been having for the last couple months re: overcoming difficult stresses like moving, grief and depression.  This is the fifth installment in the Getting Out Of The Rut series. 

Now that we have settled in to our home somewhat, I am able to set aside a short amount of time every morning just for myself. 

Taking a cup of coffee, I take a seat on our front steps where the shade is deep due to the cascading branches above. Sipping from that cup I giggle at the girls antics (our dogs) and gaze in amusement at the chittering squirrel family rushing to and fro. The sprinkler going, of course, this early in the morning adds a certain charm to the scene. 

Coffee done, I roll out the mat on the decks entry carpet and begin a series of stretches. Taking deep breaths I let go of the strain, I clean my lungs and listen to the soft peals of music.

Then I start my day. 

I have always found solace, comfort, a sense of solidarity when spending time in nature. There is something healing about the scent of trees, the breeze kissing one's skin, the sound of water... it is a special kind of therapy. 

Gardening, too, has been both a labour but a therapy for me. Keeping me in shape, but also working out that stress in such a way that there is a positive result. When I was younger I used to escape to the forest, hide in the trees, sit behind shrubs or settle by the lake side/ creek side for hours at time. No book, no device. Just me... the kissing breeze, the sweet bird song and scent of nature.

If you are in the rut of grief, depression or involved in heavy stress right now, I would really suggest that you take some time out of your schedule where you can just be in nature and just Zen ...even if it's a park if it's on your deck looking at a potted flower wherever you can be around nature or running water is really really quite therapeutic. 

We are lucky enough to have a water fountain on the deck and a bird bath in the yard, both offering that healing sound of water.

Take the time for you, because you no use to anyone if you are not fully yourself. You deserve this. Give this gift to yourself. 


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