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Networking tip

Today, we'll discuss "Anne" (a fictional character) who is considering a variety of ways to supporting her contacts, valuable connections, cherished suppliers, clients, customers, neighbours and staff.

This year, "Anne" is making the decision to create an action plan that will enhance and solidify connections within her networks. She has decided to create dialogue via surveys and by directly asking questions that reveal what interests her contacts may have - both professionally and personally, Learning more about their business means she can refer people to that contact more easily. It also means she is aware of their products and services. 

Based on this Anne can now network by obtaining gift certificates from her contacts, and use these in her upcoming contests, door prize packages, or draws. She had done some research on a slow afternoon, and discovered several holiday calendars online and these gave her plenty of ideas for fun and unusual events to celebrate.

Anne intends to use gift baskets during the holidays, birthdays and other special dates. She can ease the cost of putting together those baskets by including coupons, tchatckes or product samples provided by her connections. 

She expects to spend $20-25 dollars per month supporting her connections as well. Anne has scheduled a couple hours per month to find products within her budget that she can use for her upcoming projects.

She can use that product in the gift baskets, or as a prize, or she can use the product herself.

Anne has also decided to write up a review of products or services that she uses - posting those reviews online and occasionally publish reviews in her business newsletter or blog.

Anne knows that by taking the time to celebrate her connections, sharing their products and services and posting reviews over the next few years, she will solidify her relationships within her networks. By advertising the contests and draws, she is able to draw new traffic into her business. At the same time her existing clients or customers get a chance to win great prizes and feel appreciated. 


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  1. More networking ideas are shared on the Brummet Media Channel :


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