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Water Awareness & Caregiving

-- Apologies... --

Apologies to our blog readers - Thanks to all who wrote to let me know that the link on yesterday's post for the interview on Book Cubby was not working correctly. I have edited yesterday's post so it should be working now. And here's that link for the interview once again... (sorry about the error!) -

 -- Water  Awareness --

Today, June 8th, is World Oceans Day - and we are also in the middle of Rivers to Oceans Week. Appropriate - I suppose with what is going on in the oil industry... but they are far from the only polluters. Of course this last disaster is really beyond imagining and we might look at something like that, such as industries pouring pollutions or cities and boats pouring sewage into the ocean, and we might start feeling like the little things we are doing won't make a difference. But they really do. 

Awareness celebrations for waterways are a great opportunity to increase understanding, appreciation and affection for the health of Earth's waters.  According to World Oceans Day was proposed back in 1992 during the Earth Summit held in Brazil. The Ocean Project is a very interesting program that involved education partnerships with zoos, aquatic centers and many other retailers, suppliers and tourism industries in over 75 countries. Another non-profit organization you might want to check out is the World Ocean Network who tells us that the impact that the 6 million humans making small conscious-consumer choices and actions around their home or office can be staggering; "Caring for the Blue Planet - You can make a difference". 

-- Conscious  Discussions  Talk  Radio --

Victims of Abuse, traumatized children, Alzheimer's and Parkinson diseases, among other aging and debilitating ailments… these all have faces – while their caregivers do not. 

Who takes care of the caregiver? Parents are included here – who takes care of you? 

As a former family caregiver Jeff Schoener - our guest of the day - says that he knows “first hand of the thankless frustrations and exhaustion” that is involved in the very acts of loving kindness. Jeff Schoener is a Personal Development Consultant, Licensed Trainer of NLP and founder of Neuro-Enhancement Strategies. 

Join us live at 10 AM (pacific) or drop by to access the archived interview to learn tried-and-true methods to help caregivers reconnect and recharge.  Click on the show title: Caring for Caregivers or head over to the Conscious Discussions website to find out more.

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio shows and free resources and more at:
