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The history of ancient Rome

The History Of Ancient Rome

* Today's article was written by:

Martin Hahn PhD specializes in organizational and industrial sociology. He grew up in South-East Asia and moved to Europe to get his tertiary education and gain experience in the fields of scientific research, radio journalism and management consulting.

After living in Europe for 12 years, he moved to South-East again and has worked fas a management consultant, university lecturer, corporate trainer, international school teacher, administrator and as a senior educator in an international school. As a result of these experiences, he realized that peaceful coexistence is only possible if communication channels are kept open all the time. 

Rome's era as being a monarchy finished in 509 B.C. with the overthrow of its seventh king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, who early historians portrayed as tyrannical and cruel, than his benevolent predecessors. A popular uprising was said to have arisen over the rape of a virtuous noblewoman, Lucretia, by the king's boy. Regardless of the trigger, Rome spun from a monarchy right into a republic, a world derived from res publica, or perhaps property of the individuals.

In 450 B.C., the very first Roman law code was inscribed on twelve bronze tablets known as the 12 Tables and publicly shown inside the Roman Forum. These laws included problems of legal process, civil rights and property rights and also provided the foundation for all upcoming Roman civil law. By around 300 B.C., genuine political power in Rome was based in the Senate, that at time included just members of patrician and prosperous plebeian families.

During the first republic, the Roman state increased exponentially in equally power and size. Though the Gauls sacked and used Rome in 390 B.C., the Romans rebounded under the leadership of the army hero Camillus, at some point increasing control of the entire Italian peninsula by 264 B.C. Rome then fought a number of wars referred to as the Punic Wars with Carthage, an important city state in northern Africa. The very first 2 Punic Wars finished with Rome in total command of Sicily, the western Mediterranean as well as a lot of Spain. 

In the Third Punic War (149-146 B.C.), the Romans shot and destroyed the town of Carthage and offered its surviving dwellers into slavery, making a department of northern Africa a Roman province. While doing so, Rome also spread the influence of its east, defeating King Philip V of Macedonia in the Macedonian Wars and switching the kingdom of his into an additional Roman province.

"Effective communication skills are very important 
to create a better world for everybody." 
~ Martin Hahn 

Rome's intricate political institutions began to crumble under the mass of the increasing empire, ushering in an era of inner violence and turmoil. The gap between poor and rich widened as prosperous landowners drove tiny growers from public land, while access to authorities was frequently restricted to the more privileged classes. Attempts to deal with these social problems, like the reform movements of Tiberius as well as Gaius Gracchus ended with the reformers' deaths at the hands of the opponents of theirs.

Gaius Marius, a commoner whose army prowess elevated him with the role of consul (for the very first of 6 terms) in hundred seven B.C., was the very first of a number of warlords who'd rule Rome during the late republic. By ninety one B.C., Marius was fighting against attacks by the opponents of his, such as his fellow basic Sulla, whom emerged as army dictator around eighty two B.C. After Sulla retired, 1 of the former supporters of his, Pompey, briefly served as consul before waging good army campaigns against pirates in the forces and the Mediterranean of Mithridates in Asia. During this very same time, Marcus Tullius Cicero, elected consul in sixty three B.C., famously defeated the conspiracy of the patrician Cataline and received a good reputation as among Rome's greatest orators.

When the victorious Pompey returned to Rome, an uneasy alliance known as the First Triumvirate with the wealthy Marcus Licinius Crassus (who suppressed a slave rebellion led by Spartacus in seventy one B.C.) and yet another rising star in Roman politics: Gaius Julius Caesar was formed by him. After generating army glory in Spain, Caesar returned to Rome to vie for the consulship in fifty nine B.C. From the alliance of his with Crassus and Pompey, Caesar got the governorship of 3 wealthy provinces in Gaul start in fifty eight B.C.; he then set about conquering the remaining portion of the region for Rome.

After Pompey's wife Julia (Caesar's daughter) died in fifty four B.C., and Crassus was killed in fight against Parthia (present day Iran) the following season, the triumvirate was broken. With old style Roman politics in condition, Pompey stepped in as lone consul in fifty three B.C. Caesar's army glory in Gaul and his increasing money had eclipsed Pompey's, and the latter teamed with his Senate friends to continuously undermine Caesar. In forty nine B.C., Caesar as well as 1 of his the Rubicon was crossed by legions, a river on the border between Italy from Cisalpine Gaul. Caesar's intrusion of Italy ignited a civil war from that he emerged as dictator of Rome for life in forty five B.C.

Less than a year later, Caesar was murdered by a team of the enemies of his (led by the republican nobles Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius). Consul Mark Antony and Caesar's great nephew and adopted heir, Octavian, joined forces to crush Cassius and Brutus and divided strength in Rome with ex consul Lepidus in what was referred to as the second Triumvirate. 

With Octavian top the western provinces, Antony the east, and Lepidus Africa, tensions created by thirty six B.C. and the triumvirate quickly dissolved. In thirty one B.C., Octavian triumphed over the forces of Antony and Queen Cleopatra of Egypt (also rumoured to be the onetime enthusiast of Julius Caesar) in the Battle of Actium. In the wake of the devastating defeat, suicide was committed by Cleopatra and Antony.

By twenty nine B.C., Octavian was the single leader of Rome as well as all its provinces. In order to stay away from conference Caesar's fate, he made certain to make the position of his as absolute ruler acceptable In order to everyone by seemingly rebuilding the political institutions of the Roman republic while in fact retaining all true power for himself. In twenty seven B.C., Octavian assumed the name of Augustus, getting the very first emperor of Rome.

Augustus' guideline restored morale in Rome after a century of corruption and discord and ushered in the famous pax Romana of two centuries of prosperity and peace. Various social reforms were instituted by him, he won many military victories and allowed Roman literature, art, religion and architecture to flourish. Augustus ruled for fifty six years, supported by the great army of his as well as by an expanding cult of devotion to the emperor. When he died, Augustus was elevated by the Senate to the condition of a god, starting a long running tradition of deification for widely used emperors.

Augustus' dynasty provided the unpopular Tiberius (14 37 A.D.), the unstable and bloodthirsty Caligula , that was best remembered for his army's conquest of Britain. The series finished with Nero, whose excesses drained the Roman treasury and then resulted in the downfall of his and eventual suicide. 4 emperors had taken the throne in the tumultuous 12 months after Nero's death; the 4th, Vespasian, as well as the successors of his, Domitian and Titus, were referred to as the Flavians; they attempted to temper the excesses of the Roman court, recover Senate authority; increase public welfare. Titus earned his people's devotion with his handling of recovery efforts after the infamous eruption of Vesuvius, which damaged the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

The reign of Nerva , who was selected by the Senate to be successful Domitian, began one golden era in Roman past, during what 4 emperors; Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, as well as Marcus Aurelius took the throne peacefully, succeeding each other by adoption, unlike genetic succession. Trajan broadened Rome's borders to probably the greatest extent in history with victories over the kingdoms of Dacia (now northwestern Romania) and also Parthia. His successor Hadrian  solidified the empire 's frontiers and carried on his predecessor's job of establishing internal balance as well as instituting administrative reforms.

Under Antoninus Pius , Rome continued in prosperity and peace, although reign of Marcus Aurelius  was dominated by struggle, such as war against Armenia and Parthia and also the intrusion of Germanic tribes in the north. When Marcus fell sick and died close to the battlefield at Vindobona , he broke with the tradition of non-hereditary succession and also named his 19-year-old child Commodus as the successor of his.

The incompetence and decadence of Commodus  brought the golden era of the Roman emperors to a disappointing end. The death of his at the hands of his ministers sparked another time of civil war, from what Lucius Septimius Severus emerged victorious. During the final century Rome endured a cycle of near constant conflict. A total of twenty two emperors had taken the throne, a lot of them meeting terrible ends at the hands of identical soldiers that had powered them to drive. Meanwhile, risks from outdoors plagued the kingdom and depleted the riches of its, such as continuing aggression from Germans and Raids and Parthians by the Goths over the Aegean Sea.

The reign of Diocletian  temporarily restored prosperity and peace in Rome, but at a very high price to the unity of the kingdom. Diocletian divided energy into the so called tetrarchy (rule of four), revealing the title of his of Augustus (emperor) with Maximian. A set of generals, Constantius and Galerius, were appointed as chosen successors and the assistants of Maximian and Diocletian; Galerius and Diocletian ruled the eastern Roman Empire, while Constantius and Maximian got power in the west.

The balance of this particular system suffered greatly after Maximian and Diocletian retired from office. Constantine (the son of Constantius) emerged from the ensuing energy struggles as sole emperor of a reunified Rome. He moved the Roman capital to the Greek town of Byzantium, that he renamed Constantinople. At the Council of Nicaea, Christianity was made by Constantine (once an obscure Jewish sect) Rome's recognized religion.

Roman unity under Constantine proved illusory, as well as thirty years after the death of his the western and eastern empires were once again divided. Despite its continuing fight against Persian forces, the eastern Roman Empire, later referred to as the Byzantine Empire, would remain mostly unchanged for many centuries to come. An entirely different story played out in the west, in which the kingdom was wracked by inner struggle along with risks from abroad, particularly from the Germanic tribes now developed within the empire 's frontiers, and was continuously losing money because of continuous warfare.

Rome inevitably collapsed under the pounds of its own bloated empire, losing the provinces of its one by one: Britain, northern Africa and Spain. Attila and his tough Huns invaded Italy and Gaul, shaking the foundations of the kingdom. Later that year, control of the Roman army in Italy was won by a Germanic prince named Odovacar. After deposing the previous western emperor, Romulus Augustus, Odovacar's soldiers proclaimed him king of Italy, getting an ignoble conclusion to the lengthy, tumultuous history of ancient Rome.



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