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Legacy / Waste Reduction

-- Quote of the Day --

You know it is never to late to start to think about your legacy; at the same time it is never too early… it is a life long issue, and it something we can be talking about when we are younger. …What do I enjoy most, or think that I would enjoy in my life? – What are you passionate about? – What do I want to be remembered for; what kind of person do I want to be… did you leave your mark on the world? …Sometimes we tend to beat ourselves up a bit because we aren’t feeling like we have done enough. …It is about finding out what makes you feel really good, what sustains, what stays. …Be and become who you want to be – don’t become what somebody else thinks you should be. …Accept yourself for who you are – we came here just perfect, we are unique like snowflakes. …Don’t leave any regrets – if you sit down at the end of the day and you say ‘I wish I would have…’ then do it… so that you have no regrets.”

~ Marion Witte

Today’s quote originates from the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio episode that aired back on June 18… titled: What Will Your LegacyLook Like?

 (*Click on the title to access the full discussion)

-- Positive News -- 

Congratulations goes out once again to the city of San Diego, who is setting the green bar high for other communities to follow. 

The City Council's Natural Resources and Culture Committee worked very hard behind the scenes to develop a Zero Waste plan that will eventually divert 100% of the waste generated in the city from the landfill. Pressure was on, because the Miramar Landfill is running out of space and because the state of California is imposing a 75% waste diversion policy for all cities to abide by the year 2020. Currently, and for the last 3 years, San Diego has a diversion rate of about 68%. The committee's plan will maximize conservation, recycling and composting - things that are already available to most of us, but are not utilized to their full potential.

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