of the best things about publishing our blog on this platform are the ability to create multiple pages. For computers and laptop users, the pages appear as tabs under the header image near the top of the page. *If you are using a phone or other mobile device they will be available via a dropdown menu.
Today I'd like to call this aspect to your attention and hopefully have you browse the pages available to you right now.
By creating multiple pages on this blog we are able to share reviews of our published books for people to browse.
We also created a page that shares endorsements from members of the media and also from guests we have featured on our blogs or former talk radio show and podcast.
We also created a page that shares endorsements from members of the media and also from guests we have featured on our blogs or former talk radio show and podcast.
You'll also find a page that shares links to our recent online media appearances - which fans of our blogs and books really seem to enjoy browsing.
There is an About page available too, which allows us to share more information about the blog, detail guidelines for submissions, explain networking opportunities and a little background information about Dave and I.
Some pages were created with the purpose of using specifically for hyperlinked purposes. For instance we might mention we have articles available, and as you can see - those words would be hyperlinked taking them to the relevant page. We did the same thing for our dog sitting services, available only to locals.
By utilizing extra pages in this way we hope to enrich your experience every time you visit our blog.
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